Publications of Bert Sakmann

Journal Article (233)

Journal Article
Jensen, V.; Kaiser, K.; Borchardt, T.; Adelmann, G.; Rozov, A.; Burnashev, N.; Brix, C.; Frotscher, M.; Andersen, P.; Hvalby, Ø. et al.; Sakmann, B.; Seeburg, P. H.; Sprengel, R.: A juvenile form of postsynaptic hippocampal long-term potentiation in mice deficient for the AMPA receptor subunit GluR-A. The Journal of Physiology - London 553 (3), pp. 843 - 856 (2003)
Journal Article
Silver, R. A.; Lübke, J. H. R.; Sakmann, B.; Feldmeyer, D.: High-probability uniquantal transmission at excitatory synapses in barrel cortex. Science 302 (5652), pp. 1981 - 1984 (2003)
Journal Article
Brecht, M.; Roth, A.; Sakmann, B.: Dynamic receptive fields of reconstructed pyramidal cells in layers 3 and 2 of rat somatosensory barrel cortex. The Journal of Physiology - London 553 (1), pp. 243 - 265 (2003)
Journal Article
Petersen, C. C. H.; Hahn, T.; Mehta, M.; Grinvald, A.; Sakmann, B.: Interaction of sensory responses with spontaneous depolarization in layer 2/3 barrel cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 100 (23), pp. 13638 - 13643 (2003)
Journal Article
Lübke, J. H. R.; Roth, A.; Feldmeyer, D.; Sakmann, B.: Morphometric analysis of the columnar innervation domain of neurons connecting layer 4 and layer 2/3 of juvenile rat barrel cortex. Cerebral Cortex 13 (10), pp. 1051 - 1063 (2003)
Journal Article
Waters, D. J.; Larkum, M. E.; Sakmann, B.; Helmchen, F.: Supralinear Ca2+ influx into dendritic tufts of layer 2/3 neocortical pyramidal neurons in vitro and in vivo. The Journal of Neuroscience: the Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience 23 (24), pp. 8558 - 8567 (2003)
Journal Article
Schaefer, A. T.; Helmstaedter, M.; Sakmann, B.; Korngreen, A.: Correction of conductance measurements in non-space-clamped structures: 1. Voltage-gated K+ channels. Biophysical Journal 84 (6), pp. 3508 - 3528 (2003)
Journal Article
Schaefer, A. T.; Larkum, M. E.; Sakmann, B.; Roth, A.: Coincidence detection in pyramidal neurons is tuned by their dendritic branching pattern. Journal of Neurophysiology 89 (6), pp. 3143 - 3154 (2003)
Journal Article
Meinrenken, C. J.; Borst, J. G. G.; Sakmann, B.: The Hodgkin–Huxley–Katz prize lecture: Local routes revisited: the space and time dependence of the Ca2+ signal for phasic transmitter release at the rat calyx of Held. The Journal of Physiology - London 547 (3), pp. 665 - 689 (2003)
Journal Article
Petersen, C. C. H.; Grinvald, A.; Sakmann, B.: Spatiotemporal dynamics of sensory responses in layer 2/3 of rat barrel cortex measured in vivo by voltage-sensitive dye imaging combined with whole-cell voltage recordings and neuron reconstructions. The Journal of Neuroscience: the Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience 23 (4), pp. 1298 - 1309 (2003)
Journal Article
Sätzler, K.; Söhl, L. F.; Bollmann, J. H.; Borst, J. G. G.; Frotscher, M.; Sakmann, B.; Lübke, J. H. R.: The morphology of excitatory central synapses: from structure to function. The Journal of Neuroscience: the Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience 22 (24), pp. 10567 - 10579 (2002)
Journal Article
Brecht, M.; Sakmann, B.: Dynamic representation of whisker deflection by synaptic potentials in spiny stellate and pyramidal cells in the barrels and septa of layer 4 rat somatosensory cortex. The Journal of Physiology - London 543 (1), pp. 49 - 70 (2002)
Journal Article
Urban, N. N.; Sakmann, B.: Reciprocal intraglomerular excitation and intra- and interglomerular lateral inhibition between mouse olfactory bulb mitral cells. The Journal of Physiology - London 542 (2), pp. 355 - 367 (2002)
Journal Article
Margrie, T. W.; Brecht, M.; Sakmann, B.: In vivo, low-resistance, whole-cell recordings from neurons in the anaesthetized and awake mammalian brain. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology 444 (4), pp. 491 - 498 (2002)
Journal Article
Hoffman, D. A.; Sprengel, R.; Sakmann, B.: Molecular dissection of hippocampal theta-burst pairing potentiation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 99 (11), pp. 7740 - 7745 (2002)
Journal Article
Meinrenken, C. J.; Borst, J. G. G.; Sakmann, B.: Calcium secretion coupling at calyx of held governed by nonuniform channel-vesicle topograph. The Journal of Neuroscience: the Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience 22 (5), pp. 1648 - 1667 (2002)
Journal Article
Feldmeyer, D.; Lübke, J. H. R.; Silver, R. A.; Sakmann, B.: Synaptic connections between layer 4 spiny neurone-layer 2/3 pyramidal cell pairs in juvenile rat barrel cortex: physiology and anatomy of interlaminar signalling within a cortical column. The Journal of Physiology - London 538 (3), pp. 803 - 822 (2002)
Journal Article
Brecht, M.; Sakmann, B.: Whisker maps of neuronal subclasses of the rat ventral posterior medial thalamus, identified by whole-cell voltage recording and morphological reconstruction. The Journal of Physiology - London 538 (2), pp. 495 - 515 (2002)
Journal Article
Petersen, C. C. H.; Sakmann, B.: Functionally independent columns of rat somatosensory barrel cortex revealed with voltage-sensitive dye imaging. The Journal of Neuroscience: the Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience 21 (21), pp. 8435 - 8446 (2001)
Journal Article
Rozov, A.; Jerecic, J.; Sakmann, B.; Burnashev, N.: AMPA receptor channels with long-lasting desensitization in bipolar interneurons contribute to synaptic depression in a novel feedback circuit in layer 2/3 of rat neocortex. The Journal of Neuroscience: the Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience 21 (20), pp. 8062 - 8071 (2001)
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