Ringberg Symposia on Giant Virus Biology
Since 2013, international experts on giant DNA viruses gather biennially at Ringberg Castle near Tegernsee, Germany, to discuss the latest research topics concerning the genetics, biochemistry, ecology, and evolution of very large eukaryotic DNA viruses as well as their hosts and virophages.
For inquiries, please contact mfischer@mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de
The next Symposium is scheduled for December 6-9, 2023.
For more information, please see here.
![5th Ringberg Symposium on Giant Virus Biology - After four successful symposia in 2013, 2015, 2017, and 2019, we are happy to announce the 5th Ringberg Symposium on Giant Virus Biology. This international scientific gathering is a platform to discuss the genetics, structure, biochemistry, ecology, and evolution of extremely large DNA viruses and their interaction partners.The Symposium will be held from 6 to 9 December 2023 at Ringberg Castle near Tegernsee, Germany, in the foothills of the Bavarian Alps (https://www.schloss-ringberg.de/home). The meeting starts on Wednesday at 3 pm with coffee and cake, and finishes on Saturday at noon. If you cannot arrive timely on Wednesday afternoon, we suggest that you stay in a hotel in Munich or Tegernsee for the night. Please see the travel information sheet [link zu PDF] for further details. For those participants staying at Ringberg Castle, the conference fee of ~440 Euros covers meals and accommodation and can be paid by credit card at the end of the meeting. The conference fee for people staying at a hotel in Tegernsee is ~200 Euros and includes lunch and dinner at Ringberg Castle. Travel support may be available upon request.Due to the limited capacity of the conference venue, participation in the Symposium is by invitation only.A detailed program will be available once registration is completed.On Friday night, we will have a virus-themed Open Mic, where everyone can present his/her favorite song, musical piece (piano & guitar are present), dance, poem, limerick, haiku, artwork or game to a geeky audience. Whether self-composed or copied, solo or in teams, funny or serious, the only rule is that it must be on a virus-related topic. We look forward to your contributions! 5th Ringberg Symposium on Giant Virus Biology](/14585911/original-1686740086.jpg?t=eyJ3aWR0aCI6ODQ4LCJmaWxlX2V4dGVuc2lvbiI6ImpwZyIsIm9ial9pZCI6MTQ1ODU5MTF9--494fb184dc6e54d02d87db0a146cee2182444ba5)