Bachelor's-/Master's Theses and Internships

Bachelor's-/Master's Theses and Internships

Applications from students who wish to do their Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis work at our institute are welcome. Please be aware that Max Planck Institutes do not award academic degrees and that theses are supervised in cooperation with a university. We also offer research internships as an opportunity for highly motivated high school and undergraduate students to work with and learn first-hand with world-class scientists at our institute.

If you are considering a career path in science and would like to experience groundbreaking science at our institute, please use our website to familiarize yourself with the research in our departments and research groups. This will help you to decide which groups best match your interests. To establish first contact, please send your CV and a short description of your interests and expertise to the head of the department or research group of your interest either by e-mail or mail or use the link below to apply.


Are you interested in an internship at our institute?
Then please apply by clicking on the button. more
Are you interested in working as a student trainee at our institute?
Then please apply by clicking on the button. more
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