Scientific Career of Dr. Friedhelm Serwane

Research Interests:

Biophysics, Bioimaging, Organoids

Short CV:

2001-2007: Studies of physics at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

2004–2005: Studies at the University of Adelaide, Australia

2007: Diplom in physics, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

2007-2011: PhD studies at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg and at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg with the title „ Deterministic preparation of a tunable few-Fermion system“

2007-2008: Visiting Scientist at the University of California, Berkeley

2012-2013: Postdoc at the EMBL, Heidelberg

2013-2016: Postdoc at the University of California, Santa Barbara

2016-2019: Project Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research

2019-2020: Research Project Leader at AIRBUS Central Research & Technology, Munich

since 2020: ERC Research Group Leader at the Department of Physics, LMU, Munich


2007-2008:   Fellowship, Gottlieb-Daimler- and Karl-Benz-Foundation

2013-2016:   Feodor Lynen-Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation

Selected Publications:

A. Mongera, H. Gustafson, P. Rowghanian, E. Shelton, D. Kealhofer, F. Serwane, A. Lucio, J. Giammona, O. Campas, A fluid-to-solid jamming transition underlies vertebrate body axis elongation, Nature, 2018, in press.

F. Serwane, A. Mongera, P. Rowghanian, D. Kealhofer, A. Lucio, Z. Hockenbery, O. Campas, In vivo quantification of spatially-varying mechanical properties in developing tissues, Nature Methods, Nature Methods 14, 2017.

F. Serwane, G. Zürn, T. Lompe, T. B. Ottenstein, A. N. Wenz, S. Jochim, Deterministic preparation of a tunable few-fermion system, Science, 2011


O. Campas, F. Serwane Ferrofluid droplets to locally measure the mechanics of soft materials; US Patent UC 2015-300-0.

J. Spatz, F. Serwane A Retina Organoid-based Articial Eye and Tunable Neuronal Network; EP Application 16203153.8-1501, 2016.

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